Happening now - the #Adobolympics at the #LSMat10 😁 11 teams of pros/house cooks/enthusiasts doing their take on our beloved adobo! Woohoo! Time to jones about!
From the nanays of Gawad Kalinga who call themselves Team Kabutehan -- pretty tasty spicy mushrooms (one of their products), lamb shoulder, and fresh pineapple served with adobo rice. I was rooting for these ladies too - all such good sports for joining the #Adobolympics
This was fascinating too! Pork adobo and coconut wrapped in these lovely leaves with bits of kamias. I don't know anymore who made this - she was Bicolana - but is sure shows her pride for her hometown. Bicol represent!
Plating was not the strength here - and of course one shouldn't expect too much from someone who doesn't work in a kitchen - but man you could sure taste the love and care from this twice cooked beef adobo. So whoever you are, Team Alex's Dad, I tip my hat to you. No wonder Alex loves you so much!😁 Good job!
The Winner! The #OrangeWhisk entry for "specialty adobo": pork belly adobo, smoked coconut cream and galangal. Really good - and it practically begs for rice! Go CHECK IT at their Aguirre branch in BF Homes.
The winner - by Orange Whisk
The second #OrangeWhisk dish, this time using the mystery protein (lamb shoulder) at the #LSMat10#Adobolympics: lamb adobo using balsamic vinegar, kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass and thai basil. And yeah I'm laying off the rice, but again this begs for it!❤Rapsaaaaa!
My cohorts today