Being a fan boy and cooking for a French band I really love called #Tahiti80. Interesting for me because some of them are vegetarian, so I'm going into less travelled territory for me as a cook. This is a spicy chick pea stew that I'm putting into tacos with some pickled onion. I rather like it - but I hope they do too. Haha! Welcome to Manila, #Tahiti80
Chick Pea Stew
A remix tonight -- my lamb adobo, roasted squash, fried potatoes and pickled onions with sour cream and chimichurri on a taco. I take no prisoners! Hope these French dudes like it! ❤
For the vegetarians: grilled zucchini, roasted mushrooms, grilled corn, fried potatoes, pickled onions. Iz goody! Yay! Por Xavier
Thanks for coming, #Tahiti80 ❤ See ya tomorrow! (GUYS! There's still tickets - Tahiti 80/Up Dharma Down/Yolanda Moon at Green Sun! Lez goooo!